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Drive-In Screening


Uses: Inflatable screen, projector, and FM transmitter allows you to broadcast the video audio to car stereos or hand radios. The actually screen is 13ft wide and 8.25ft high and visible from a distance. 


Requirements:  Standard outlet 120v or Generator (email for details)


Accessibility: Inflatable screen is easy to setup but we recommend two people. The inflatable screen is 30 lbs. Generator is 39 lbs.


Comments: When checking out please let us know the approximate distance between the projector and screen and the intended width of the projection.  This is allow us to help select the right projector for your screening. 

Day Rate: 

Minimal budget $40 

Equipment budget $100

Institutional Rate $160

Weekly Rate: 

Minimal budget $160 

Equipment budget $400

Institutional Rate $640

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